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The Avocado and Human Nutrition,

Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Friday, March 18, 2011 | 12:50 AM

The Avocado and Human Nutrition, Some Human Health Aspects of the Avocado

Bob Bergh Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California

Purseglove (1968), In his authoritative textbook, labeled the avocado "...the most nutritious of all fruits." Noted food writer Gaylord Hauser once said of it: "In this single delectable fruit are combined the protein of meat, the fat of butter [but much more wholesome!], the vitamins and minerals of green vegetables, the flavor of nuts, a six course dinner ". America's greatest plant explorer, David Fairchild is attributed "...the avocado is a food without rival among the fruits, the veritable fruit of paradise." And in 1959, cereal pioneer John H. Kellogg maintained that "of all edible fruits, it stands pre-eminent as a source of concentrated nutriment adapted to human use. For purity, wholesomeness, ease of digestibility, and adaptation to human needs, it has few rivals and none that can fill its place." (Quotation courtesy of J. S. Shepherd).

Abstract. Avocado usage is reduced because of negative misconceptions. The avocado has various uses as a natural cosmetic, with advantages in rapid skin penetration, and as a superior natural sunscreen. Avocado oil has several culinary and health benefits. The greater use of whole fruit has important advantages: usefulness in human weight control, high nutritional density, source of major antioxidants, stroke prevention, fruit protein source, fiber source; as baby food, and other dietary benefits. Erroneous public perceptions of avocado calorie content and of cancer influences are noted.

Many people appreciate the delicious flavor of avocado, but are afraid of them for (mistaken) dietary reasons. They therefore avoid avocados or eat less than they could, because of incomplete or erroneous nutritional information. Most of us connected with the avocado industry have encountered such errors in understanding among friends or chance acquaintances. Indeed, on occasion, one even encounters them among "avocado" people.

These errors are diverse and recurrent. One sometimes feels a bit like Hercules of classical mythology battling the ugly Hydra: as soon as one evil head is cut off, two more grow in its place! Its seems worthwhile, therefore, to make a summary of the scientific findings concerning the avocado. We will begin with a brief look at cosmetics, then examine the more important food attributes, and close with an analysis of misconceptions in the press and among the public.

Avocado Cosmetics

Increasing recognition of unhealthful consequences from additives, preservatives, processing, and artificial products generally gives the avocado a major advantage as a food and also as a cosmetic. With increasing concern for the environment, an added plus for avocado cosmetics is that they are biodegradable. Consumers are beginning to favor basic, natural ingredients. Swisher (1988) discusses use of the avocado as a skin moisturizer, cleansing cream, makeup base, sunscreen, lipstick, bath oil, and hair conditioner. Toxicological tests of avocado oil products have provided an official health/safety assessment.

In skin care, the two major advantages of the avocado are its marked softening and soothing nature and its notable absorption. Compared with almond, corn, olive, and soybean oils, avocado oil had the highest skin penetration rate (Swisher, 1988).

In sunscreens, chemicals like PABA have superior effectiveness but cause skin irritation in some people. Because they are synthetic, there are lingering questions about long-term safety. Among eight plant oils, avocado oil proved the most effective sunscreen (Swisher, 1988).

Avocado Oil

Like olive oil, avocado oil is predominantly monounsaturated, a property which is thought to confer distinct health benefits. The avocado as a refined cooking oil has additional advantages (Swisher, 1988).

    * It is unusually light, so it mixes well with other foods.
    * It has a mild, delicate flavor, which enhances and brings out the flavor of other foods, instead of dominating them such as olive oil and other oils.
    * Avocado oil withstands a high cooking temperature before breaking down, i.e. its "smoke point" is about 255C (490F), which is much higher than that of olive oil.

Fried foods presently have an undesirable health reputation, but use of olive and avocado oil could change that.

High nutritional density

The fourth reason given above for the avocado's role in weight control is its "rich supply of minerals and vitamins." More important than a food's calorie content is its total nutritional contribution to human needs. A good measure is nutrients per calorie. Different avocado analyses have given somewhat variable results. The most detailed publication is that of Slater et al. (1973). Their data indicate that one half of a 'Hass' avocado, about 80 g edible fruit, provides a substantial percentage of the daily nutritional needs of a child aged 7 to 10 (adult percentages are generally a little lower, especially iron for females) (Table 1).

The avocado contains little vitamin B 12 and calcium, limited zinc and modest phosphorus. Its half-a-fruit quota of riboflavin and thiamine for children is about 9.5 and 8%, respectively, hence about equal to its relative calorie contribution. But the striking thing is that no less than eight essential nutrients are apparently present in about a 2: 1 calorie ratio. Nor is that all; three additional nutrients, potassium, copper and pantothenic acid, (for which I could not find precise Recommended Dietary Allowances) are also estimated to be present in avocado at about twice the calorie content. Per calorie, the avocado is indeed remarkably nutritious.

There is not space here to discuss either the human body's uses or the status in typical diets of these various nutrients. Judgments vary; several surveys have concluded that one or another of them is deficient in a considerable portion of American diets. Next we will look briefly at one of the least discussed vitamins in the group of nutrients provided by the avocado.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is important for the nervous system, red blood cells, teeth and gums. The Harvard Health Letter for March, 1991, reported 1990 data indicating that most Americans consume too little of vitamin B6. Among good sources they list watermelon and banana (overlooking avocado). Polansky and Murphy (1966) compared the 86 content per unit weight of 26 vegetables and fruits. For total chromatographed 86' banana and avocado had the highest amounts, the remaining 24 vegetables had from 1/5 to 1/25 of the amount of the avocado, with watermelon 1/6. A more recent report by William Sears, M.D., privately printed Nature's Guide to First Foods"(1988) reports that avocado has three times as much B6 per g as banana.

Antioxidants and free radicals: cancer, cataracts and aging

The University of California at Berkeley Wellness Letter for October, 1991, discusses the basic role of oxygen for human cellular energy and for life, but notes that an inevitable by-product of this activity is the formation of highly reactive "free radicals." These unstable troublemakers can affect various cell constituents: perhaps artery walls or LDL cholesterol advancing coronary heart disease; eye lens tissue causing cataracts; a critical gene leading to cancer; perhaps arthritis; or DNA (the genetic material) causing gradual deterioration and aging.
12:50 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

How to Ripen an Avocado

Ripening an avocado can be done in the same way that you ripen bananas.

Place the avocado in a paper bag with an apple, banana, or tomato.

Fold the bag closed and leave it to sit on the counter overnight.

The ethylene gas in the other fruit will cause the avocado to ripen in about 24 hours.

If you don't have other fruit to put in the bag with the avocado, you can put it in the bag by itself and it will ripen, but not as fast as if you'd put the fruits in with it.

Another method for ripening avocados is to bury them in a sack of flour overnight or place them in a paper bag with some flour. I haven't tried this method but many people swear by it.

Happy avocado eating!
12:43 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

10 Health Benefits of Avocados

Here are ten reasons to do just like I do and eat an avocado a day:

Prostate Cancer Prevention
Avocados have been shown to inhibit the growth of prostate cancer.

Oral Cancer Defense
Research has shown that certain compounds in avocados are able to seek out pre-cancerous and cancerous oral cancer cells and destroy them without harming healthy cells.

Breast Cancer Protection
Avocado, like olive oil, is high in oleic acid, which has been shown to prevent breast cancer in numerous studies.

Eye Health
Avocados have more of the carotenoid lutein than any other commonly consumed fruit. Lutein protects against macular degeneration and cataracts, two disabling age-related eye diseases.

Lower Cholesterol
Avocados are high in beta-sitosterol, a compound that has been shown to lower cholesterol levels. In one study, 45 volunteers experienced an average drop in cholesterol of 17% after eating avocados for only one week.

Heart Health
One cup of avocado has 23% of the recommended daily value of folate. Studies show that people who eat diets rich in folate have a much lower incidence of heart disease than those who don't. The vitamin E, monounsaturated fats, and glutathione in avocado are also great for your heart.

Stroke Prevention
The high levels of folate in avocado are also protective against strokes. People who eat diets rich in folate have a much lower risk of stroke than those who don't.

Better Nutrient Absorption
Research has found that certain nutrients are absorbed better when eaten with avocado. In one study, when participants ate a salad containing avocados, they absorbed five times the amount of carotenoids (a group of nutrients that includes lycopene and beta carotene) than those who didn't include avocados.

Glutathione Source
Avocados are an excellent source of glutathione, an important antioxidant that researchers say is important in preventing aging, cancer, and heart disease.

Vitamin E Powerhouse
Avocados are the best fruit source of vitamin E, an essential vitamin that protects against many diseases and helps maintains overall health.
12:42 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Moisturize face with Avocado

Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Monday, March 14, 2011 | 9:22 AM

Being in air-conditioned room, or exposed to air pollution, sunlight, wind, and lack of drinking water, can make skin dry. Give a little feeling comfortable in your skin that feels dry using natural ingredients. One of the natural ingredients  that you can use  is the  avocado. Here's how;

1 tablespoon crushed avocado
1 teaspoon honey
3 drops of apple vinegar
Sesame oil

To make it, combine avocados, honey, and apple vinegar, sesame oil and enter to create consistency for easy application. Spread the mixture on your face directly with clean hands, then let stand for 5-10 minutes. After that, rinse with warm water, and dry face gently. To give a fresh impression, you can end by rubbing or spraying your face with rose water, then apply facial moisturizer according to skin type
9:22 AM | 1 komentar | Read More

Avocado, Preventing Fetal Defect

Folic acid is actually Vitamin B9, part of the vitamin B complex, types of water-soluble vitamins. With its water soluble vitamins can not be stored longer in the body because after it is taken by the body and then expelled through the urine. By its nature, the pregnant women and mothers who intend to become pregnant should mengasup folic acid every day. This vitamin helps the body produce and maintain the perfection of DNA (Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid), the genetic material of the body.

Experts recommend that, pregnant women should mengasup source of folic acid from fresh fruit or vegetable salad. Because the vegetables are cooked folatnya acid content of 80% is lost during the cooking process.

Create a healthy fetus

The richest fruit acid content avocado folatnya is often found in mixed ice, ice jazzed, and avocado juice. Many people are afraid to eat this fruit because it assumes a very high fat content of avocados. It is true, the fat content in avocados can be 20-30 times more than other fruits. But keep in mind, the fat contained in the avocado is good fat. Namely monounsaturated fat is touted to help reduce levels of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and raise HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol).

Avocado is the only fruits that contain monounsaturated fatty acids. For pregnant women who need the fat as energy producers, will certainly be better if diasup fats are unsaturated. In addition, avocados are also the richest fruit-vitamin folic acid that must be met even by mothers who intend to become pregnant and pregnant women from the newly formed embryo.

According to Prof. dr. Joseph Hersh from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Louisville, Kentucky, USA, first trimester is a time of formation of the central nervous system of the fetus, including brain and spinal cord. Infants can suffer from folic acid deficiency heart problems, cleft lip, urinary tract defects, and other limb defects. Research in 1991 also found an association between folic acid and birth defects. Folic-acid deficiency that affects the formation of brain function, nerve, and bone-marrow was found to result in babies born with disabilities.

As in other nutritional substances, if the fetus did not obtain supplies of folic acid, he will take it from reserves of the mother. This will adversely affect maternal health. In addition to anemia, fatigue, lethargy, insomnia (sleeplessness), forgetfulness, depression, until the gray hair, the mother is threatened also by the risk of colon cancer, breast, and pancreas.
9:21 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Savor captivated Avocado

Avocado, although the high fat content which is about 16 percent, but the fat contained in the green fruit is safe and even healthful. That's because about 63 percent of the constituent elements are unsaturated fatty acids, particularly monounsaturated fatty acids.

Diets rich avocado unsaturated fatty acid can lower LDL cholesterol (low density lipoprotein) which can harm health. Monounsaturated fat also has antioxidant activity that keeps the body from damage due to malignant arterial LDL cholesterol.

Avocados are also rich in vitamin A and carotene are good. Likewise, the minerals potassium and low sodium. Reportedly, foods high potassium content and low sodium is a healthy food to maintain a healthy heart and blood vessels.

Avocado can also be used for beauty, for example, overcoming cracked heels or dry skin in a way blender and made a mask. Avocado slices thinly sliced ​​like a plate can also be used to overcome the tired and puffy eyes.

Meanwhile, the avocado has been mashed and mixed with orange can be used as penghitam hair. Way, avocado that has been smeared on the hair smooth, then covered with a shower cap for one hour. After that wash with shampoo.

With a variety of properties owned by this delicious fruit, I think we need to familiarize themselves to include this fruit in the daily menu list, either as juice, salad, and fresh drinks.
9:20 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Avocado Dry Hair Fix

On his way round the world, Rona Berg, author of Beauty: The New Basic find various beauty recipes from the regions he visited. Here is a recipe that she got when visiting Shanghai. This recipe is intended to restore moisture to dry hair  after  dyed. Ginseng is believed to  help overcome impotence, restore hair from dryness due to colored.

½ avocado
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1 egg, take the yellow

How to:
1. Avocado crush, mix with ginseng powder and egg yolk.
2. Pijatkan this mask to the entire scalp, wrap a thin towel, let stand for 10 minutes.
3. Rinse, then wash as usual.

Can be done a few weeks.
9:18 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Avocado, Healthy Fat Source

Many people who want to lose weight away from the  avocado  fruit. Indeed alkpukat is one of the fruits that are high in fat, about 16 percent. But the fat contained in fact safe and even healthful. That's because 63 percent of the constituent  elements  are unsaturated  fatty  acids, particularly monounsaturated  fatty  acids.

According to experts, the food is most effective to reduce fat-containing MUFA (mono unsaturated fatty acids) such as avocado. In addition to helping lose weight, a diet rich in MUFA are also able to shed fat in the abdominal area. Efficacy of other avocado that is not less great is the lower cholesterol, prevent blood vessel blockage and reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

In the 100 grams of avocado also contained about 300-400 IU of vitamin A and about 165 micrograms of carotene. Also contained thiamine, riboflavon and niacin, which is classified as vitamin B complex. Avocado vitamin C levels are also quite good, about 14 mg per 100 grams of avocado.

For those of you who have problems with digestion, fiber-rich foods of course highly recommended. You can get it by eating avocados. Avocado is also high in fiber is about 1.6 g. gram/100 It is useful to help the digestive system and remove the remains of a toxic digestion.
9:17 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Avocados Make Strong Heart

The avocado contains a very high fat, ie 71-88 percent of total calories or about 20 times the average of other fruit. Prof Dr Made Astawan MS, food technology and nutrition experts from IPB mentions, there are at least 14.66 grams of fat per 100 grams of avocado.

Fat is mostly in the form of monounsaturated fats (monounsaturated fatty acids). Levels reach 9.8 grams per 100 grams. Saturated fat content is only 2.13 grams per 100 grams. And also there are polyunsaturated fats of 1.82 grams per 100 grams.

Raise HDL
Avocados contain oleic acid, a component in monounsaturated fats may help lower cholesterol. A study carried out on their cholesterol levels high enough. After a seven-day diet that included avocados, they decreased total and LDL cholesterol significantly, while HDL cholesterol rose by 11 percent.

In addition to unsaturated fatty acids, avocado is also a good source of potassium or potassium, a mineral that helps regulate blood pressure. The content of potassium in avocados is higher than a medium-sized banana. Adequate intake of potassium may help protect against vascular disease, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.

High folate
Other nutrients found in avocados is folate. A cup of avocado has at least 23 percent of daily sufficiency for folate, a nutrient important for heart health and for women planning a pregnancy.

To determine the relationship between folate intake and heart disease, the researchers included more than 80,000 women for 14 years using dietary questionnaires. Found that women who consume higher dietary folate had 55 percent lower risk for heart disease or suffered a fatal heart disease.

Other studies show, anyone who ate folate-rich foods lower risk of cardiovascular disease or stroke compared with those not taking these important nutrients.

Avocado is also a good source of vitamins A, C, E, K, vitamin B6, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, fiber, magnesium, and copper. With a string of nutrients contained avocado, it was pity to miss this fruit. You can enter the avocado in snacks, salads, and desserts. So, add one avocado in your diet every day.
9:14 AM | 0 komentar | Read More Techie Blogger